Things to do in Quarantine Period
Reading Time: 4 minutes (Approx) Hello lovelies, I hope you all are doing fine. If you all are like me, you all would also be tired of seeing images of friends and celebrities doing "productive things" in the quarantine period, and then you look at yourself and shrink back in your shell, and think what the hell am I doing? Why am I wasting my time when people are being so productive? Sometimes it is okay to slow down in life and do nothing. We constantly face competition from the people around us and it sometimes get too much. And I feel quarantine is not the period for thinking about what others are doing and then you self doubting yourself. Don't we face that enough in normal times? You have to realise the power of now. The only thing that you have in hand is NOW and please don't waste that by thinking what others are doing now and then changing your schedule according to it. Just be thankful for what you